LEA AND MAURA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 280 x 180 cm | 2003
SELF PORTRAIT | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2003
COUPLE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 61 x 43 cm | 2004
FERME INTENTION | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 283 x 204 cm | 2004
G.O. | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth, found objects | 120 x 78 cm | 2007
FERME INTENTION | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 99 x 78 cm | 1999
DAME LIBERTY | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 220 x 180 cm | 2019 | Poem: Clarice Lispector
DIFFÉRER | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 266 x 210 cm | 2018
PICASSO’S T-SHIRT (DOISNEAU’S MODEL) | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 113 x 212 cm | 2004
MONEY, RIGHT FOOT | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 85 x 45,5 cm | 2003
EU TE AMO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth l 58 x 54 cm | 2004
IT’S THE OTHER WHO INVENTS US | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 268 x 225 cm | 2018
CENTER | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 149,5 x 104 cm | 2004
BE-A-BA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2004
DEGÂTS-DÉGAGE / DESFAÇATEZ-DESFAÇA | Wool thread on linen and hemp cloth | 200 x 88 cm (double-sided) | Grandes Serres de Pantin | 2021
SIDE OF THE FATHER / SIDE OF THE MOTHER | Wool thread, objects, paper, China ink on linen and hemp cloth (double-sided) | 120 x 78 cm | 2018
SUNS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 52 x 72 cm | 2004
PARABOLA BOLA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 280 x 185 cm | 2008
ORBITALS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 290 x 220 cm | 2004
ONE CANNOT THINK THE ENCLOSURE OF WHAT HAS NO END | Wool thread, polypropylene yarn on cotton veil | 2340 x 780 cm | Abbaye du Thoronet | CMN / Palais de Tokyo | 2019
JULIO, PARIS, SÃO PAULO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp sheet | 126 x 91 cm | 2005
THE NIGHT | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 230 x 195 cm | 2003
NORTH SOUTH | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp sheet | 285 x 200 cm | 2001
FROM HEART TO HEART | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 283 x 198 cm | 2003
IDENTITY CARD | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp sheet | 208 x 178 cm | 2003
AB | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 128 x 101 cm | 2003
AEROLIGNEA MANUEL | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 227 x 200 cm | 2001
ABC5 | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2007
I ARRIVE THERE WHERE I’M A FOREIGNER | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 210 x 173 cm | 2019
I ARRIVE THERE WHERE I’M A FOREIGNER | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2019
AEROCEANO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 60 x 112 cm | 2004
WATERS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 125 x 99cm | 2018
AIRE MUSICALE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 202 x 160 cm | 2004
ALVARO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 59 x 51 cm | 2004
APOLO IV | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2004
AUTO-PERERECA CUBISTA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 43,5 x 48 cm | 2004
BIRUTAS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 48 x 54 cm | 2001
BOLINHAS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 51 x 71,5 cm | 2004
A CASA DOS DOIS TEMPOS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 51,5 x 44 cm | 2004
THREE POINTED HAT | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2008
CONFESSIONAL | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 107 x 101 cm | 2003
CONFESSIONAL | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 266 x 102 cm | 2004
COMODA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 194 x 72 cm | 2003
CORPO PALAVRA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 138 x 111 cm | 2004
FROM PORT TO PORT | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 285 x 188 cm | 2004
COUPLE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 48 x 65,5 cm | 2004
DOIS POLOS COM NÚCLEOS VERMELHOS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 55 x 46 cm | 2004
FREEDOM IS A STRONG SEED | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2019
FRONTIÈRE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 88,5 x 55 cm | 2003
ESTRADA MARACATU | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 146 x 109 cm | 2004
DREAM MACHINE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2018
GEOMETRIA SENSÍVEL | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 47,5 x 55 cm | 2004
HORIZONTE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 135 x 115 cm | 2004
IMIGRATION | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 55,5 x 50 cm | 2004
IMPERMANÊNCIA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 74 x 53 cm | 2004
JARDIM DE DELÍCIAS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2003
IDENTITY CARD | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 278 x 214 cm | 2003
INSTRUMENT POLIFORME | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2003
JORNAL DO BRASIL | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 293 x 180 cm | 2019
JOGO DA VELHA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 44,5 x 54 cm | 2004
JRM | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 282 x 200 cm | 2003
JV | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 138 x 104 cm | 2003
LIMITE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 120 x 102 cm | 2003
MALA DE ESTRELAS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 47 x 63 cm | 2004
MÁQUINA PARA MISTURAR AÇUCAR COM AFETO (BACK) | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 31,5 x 48,5 cm | 2004
MÁQUINA PARA MISTURAR AÇUCAR COM AFETO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 31,5 x 48,5 cm | 2004
MOTOROLA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 44,5 x 55 cm | 2004
MOTOROLA (BACK) | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 44,5 x 55 cm | 2004
MEMÓRIA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 42,5 x 59,5 cm | 2004
MEU CIGARRO DE PAIA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 278 x 197 cm | 2004
N-S-L-O | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 277 x 191 cm | 2004
NACHT | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 126 x 102,5 cm | 2004
NATUREZA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 128 x 99 cm | 2004
NUITS NOIRES COULEUR DE PHYLACTÈRE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2019
WAVE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 252 x 107 cm | 2004
WELL | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 148 x 47 cm | 2004
HEAVEN (AS YOU SEW SO SHALL YOU REAP) | Capela do Morumbi, São Paulo, 2023
O PACÍFICO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 136,5 x 102 cm | 2003
ORBITALS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 214 x 222 cm | 2003
BLACK SHEEP | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 55 x 48 cm | 2004
PASSAGE N-O | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 49,5 x 44 cm | 2008
PARADOX i | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 190 x 170 cm | 2003
PARALELAS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 32,5 x 48 cm | 2004
PALOMA | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 280 x 185 cm | 2001
BIRDS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 264 x 225 cm | 2019
PATINIR | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 44,5 x 106 cm | 2004
PAU PEDRO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 44,5 x 50 cm | 2004
SMALL PROJECTS FOR LARGE DIFFERENCES | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 75 x 51 cm | 2004
FEET | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 124 x 103 CM | 2004
PLANETARIUM | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 204 x 131 cm | 2003
VOÛTE CELESTE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2018
PORTRAIT | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 70 x 58 cm | 2004
HOW MANY BRICKS DID YOU MAKE TODAY? | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 44 x 54 cm | 2004
REMEDOS E REMENDOS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 47,5 x 42 cm | 2004
ROLAND GARROS (detail) | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth, cut as a custom; objects | 2005
SCULPTURE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 56 x 52 cm | 2004
UNTITLED | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 28 x 43 cm | 2004
UNTITLED | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 48 x 30 cm | 2004
UTERO DE VERBOS | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 285 x 200 cm | 2004
ZIGZAG | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 253 x 188 cm | 2003
THE NIGHT (PORTRAIT OF DERRIDA) | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 293 x 202 cm | 2018
MECANO | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 273 x 203 cm | 2017
L’AUTRE ARME DU COMMANDANT GODERVILLE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 86 x 93 cm | 2020
OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 2020
SUBMARINE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 42,5 x 63 cm | 2004
I AM THE DARKER BROTHER | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 46 x 97 cm | 2020
GOLD | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 53 x 43 cm | 2004
BC1 | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 116,5 x 49,5 cm | 2004
BC2 | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 114 x 47,5 cm | 2004
L’AUTRE ARME DU COMMANDANT GODERVILLE | Drawing embroidered on linen and hemp cloth | 270 x 212 cm | 2020
L’HUMAIN N’EST PAS AU CENTRE DE LA CRÉATION | Dessin brodé sur drap en lin et chanvre, cintre | 152 x 42 x 3,8 cm | 2021